It was a whirlwind after leaving the Great White North, with a stop back in Vermont for a recap visit with friends and an amazing concert featuring Trombone Shorty and Gary Clark, Jr.
Then on to Boston to visit other friends and attend an “Off The Eaten Path” food and history tour of the North End (read my review here) & 4th of July Fireworks…
A few days in Philadelphia/NJ area to clean out our storage space in prep for leaving for Casablanca, then back to Baltimore.
We stayed with family and did our own little Charm City tour with stops at the legendary Cafe Hon, and Miss Shirley’s.
Then we headed back to Cayman for a little over a week to visit our old stomping ground… and even more catch-ups with old friends. And a massive Aladdin-themed cake done by a dear friend and the staff of the Ritz-Carlton.

Aladdin-themed cake
Upon returning to Baltimore, we settled in for the get-set-for-Casablanca segment by getting the pets cleared to fly and sorting through Every-Single-Thing-We-Now-Own-On-The-Planet in the basement of my folks’ place.
Ahead of us was the task of getting the USDA clearance up in Robbinsville, NJ and then waiting until the 11th…
Except for one small thing…