Tag Archives: Radio guys


Rule of Thirds

“Listen Ben… a third of the people you meet and interact with in life are gonna love you, the middle third of the people you meet are gonna hate you, and the last third could give a shit.”

Much like yesterday’s nugget of wisdom, this line, said to me around 1993 by an older radio dude in Washington DC has been haunting me.  It’s always been tough to accept that people didn’t think of me as anything short of fabulous.  I mean, right?!  I try hard, I work hard, yadda, yadda, yadda.

I guess I’m not at all like Seinfeld, of whom Alec Baldwin said, “Your life has been one unbroken boulevard of green lights, hasn’t it?”

I think I can add to the Rule of Thirds… let’s see if this works:

A third of the people you meet and interact with in life are gonna love you, the middle third of the people you meet are gonna hate you, and the last third could give a shit… and the weird part is that people jump over those lines to different thirds with frightening irregularity.

What do we think of THAT mind bender?