Tag Archives: QBS Radio

Jenn & Ben & Brooklyn & Rooney in Cayman

Catching up…

Well… It’s been six years.

A lot has changed in the last six years… Including a move overseas to what is now three different destinations outside of the USA.

So… here’s the quick version… We all left Denver and went to Amsterdam just in time for Covid. Spent three years in the Netherlands (developed a taste for mayo with fries) and traveled to Belgium, France, Luxembourg, & Germany. The wife went to the Isle of Jersey with her mom, a trip she took while I was with my mom in Maryland. We then jetted off to Qatar just in time for the World Cup 2022. I was at an English language radio station, QBS Radio 97.5 doing mainly mornings. My mom joined my dad in heaven in January of 2024 and my sister, who tirelessly looked after her often multiple times a day, and I have become closer. Then we all pulled up stakes and are back in our beloved Cayman. I can’t express enough how blessed we both are to be back in our adopted home country. We’re both working very hard at our jobs; I’m at Compass Media – the new name for Cayman Free Press where I was before leaving Cayman in 2013 – doing the breakfast show on Gold (Classic Hits) and the afternoon show on Rooster (Country). Life is settling in so I figured it would be a good time to get back into blogging/journaling.

I’m still on the Slow Carb Diet as illustrated by Tim Ferriss in his book, The Four Hour Body and I’ve keep the weight off for over 12 or so years. I’m still obsessive as ever with my nutrition.

There’s tons of things I could say at this point, and maybe I’ll do some history snapshots over the coming days and weeks of various blasts from the past that you may not know about. Until then… Bring on Cheat Day and Chicken & Waffles!