In January 2012 I got on the scale and saw it read 252lbs. Unacceptable.
From an old blog post of a college friend of mine’s wife I found about about The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss (Thank you Greg Wymer & Lisa Johnson) . Written in 2010, I was over a year late to the 4HB party, but maybe I was just being fashionable.
I could literally talk for hours on the book and how much of it spoke to me; from Ferriss’ take on life to the Harajuku Moment of Chad Fowler‘s.
I wanted to get to sub-200lbs and less than 20% body fat by my birthday in mid September, So I started the Slow Carb Diet as mentioned in the book and added some of the supplements. Most importantly, I started keeping records of my weight and body fat the best way I could living in the Caribbean without the aid of professional high-tech equipment (BodPod, Dexa, etc)
I started tracking in February 2012 with a Weight Watchers body fat/water/bone density scale and using a very simple iOS app called Track Your Weight.
I quickly grew tired of having to video the scale display as the numbers passed by too quickly and then input them into the app, so I moved to the Fitbit Aria wifi scale.
Making the switch to a new scale meant a whole new set of numbers, and the two scales didn’t always line up. I kept tracking using both methods, recording some days with both, but every day with the Fitbit. The Aria was so easy to use and the website/app integration was fantastic.
Today there was this on the Fitbit.
The Weight Watchers scale is usually different.
I’ve scraped by on my first goal.
It took a little longer than I’d wanted, but it was satisfying nonetheless.
In all that time I haven’t lifted a single weight or done a lick of cardio.
I’ll probably go back up after my cheat day on Sunday… but who cares. I’ve set a new goal of 180lbs. Which my 5 foot 11 inch body hasn’t seen since probably middle school.
Now it’s time for these bad boys, where the fat loss should really pick up.