Recap: #Firefly2015 Day 2 – 19 June

It was a Friday and I had designs to attend a very conservative four artists, choosing to pass up the headliners of Morrissey and Paul McCartney. Some would call that sacrilege, but I knew that Morrissey would be doing most of his new album, which although very good, would not be what most people would be expecting and it would be kind of crazy… And Not for nothing, but I’ve seen Sir Paul a few times and didn’t want to battle the crowd.

Before heading out, I walked over to The Hub and walked around to check out the even more alternative scene.  There were food trucks selling all kinds of stuff including these guys, The Gouda Boys.

The Gouda Boys @ Firefly2015

The Gouda Boys @ Firefly2015

First up was Clean Bandit on the main stage and they were phenomenal.  I knew that they would be.  The main stage/early time artist dynamic is interesting because these are performers that not only have headlined their own shows, but could still be thought of as niche.  More on that later.

Here’s Clean Bandit doing a litte of their hit “Rather Be”

I had every intention of catching Wolf Alice next, but somehow I faffed around and went to Echosmith instead.  It was hot out.

I thoroughly enjoyed their set and their song “Cool Kids” really kicked it up a notch.

And since Walk The Moon was at the same stage, we just hung out in the small VIP area until the next set started. I have to say that the band is much more than their “Shut Up And Dance” chart topper.

It was then that I tried to see Odezsa at the Pavillion stage which ended up being a complete mudfest with a crush of cush-kids.  It’s hard to understand the pull of taking photos of two dudes hitting drum pads, no matter how much I liked them. Not really my scene so I bolted out and passed by Big Data on my way to another VIP section.

And that was Day 2… More soon….

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