First of all, there’s no magical light at the end of this post. This doesn’t end with some flowery recipe for happiness or gem of appreciation and learning. It’s out-and-out bitching.
Whenever I feel like getting something that’s been bothering me off my chest, I always here this voice saying “Oh shut up and keep it to yourself.” Because who really cares what you’re feeling and what troubles you’re going through. Certainly nobody on Facebook. This even happens to some degree when there’s good news to share. It just feels like nobody really gives a damn and you ask yourself, “Why should they?”
I realize this could come from low self esteem and negative self image but even typing those words now seems like pandering and begging for pity.
So, again, “Oh shut up and keep it to yourself.”
I’m almost constantly in a state of envy and jealousy over what I perceive my Facebook friends have going on, and with whom they’re doing it. It always seems better than the life we have. I’ve contemplated dozens of times to get off the damn thing and can’t bring myself to do it. It’s one of the only things connecting me to my friends B.K. (Before Korea). Because most of the people that are my ‘friends’ here, clearly aren’t.
I think we thought Korea would be a fun, interesting, exciting adventure that would be great with new friends and wonderful moments and fond memories of doing exotic things. And wondering what fun stuff we’re going to do and where we are going to go next with a new group of similar-minded people.
So far the only thing we wonder is when is this place going to stop sucking so bad and when are we going to start liking it.