I don’t mean to brag, but…

In January 2012 I got on the scale and saw it read 252lbs.  Unacceptable.

From an old blog post of a college friend of mine’s wife I found about about The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss (Thank you Greg Wymer & Lisa Johnson) . Written in 2010, I was over a year late to the 4HB party, but maybe I was just being fashionable.

I could literally talk for hours on the book and how much of it spoke to me; from Ferriss’ take on life to the Harajuku Moment of Chad Fowler‘s.

I wanted to get to sub-200lbs and less than 20% body fat by my birthday in mid September, So I started the Slow Carb Diet as mentioned in the book and added some of the supplements.  Most importantly, I started keeping records of my weight and body fat the best way I could living in the Caribbean without the aid of professional high-tech equipment (BodPod, Dexa, etc)

I started tracking in February 2012 with a Weight Watchers body fat/water/bone density scale and using a very simple iOS app called Track Your Weight.

First entry for Weight Watchers scale using the TrackWeight iOS app.

First entry for Weight Watchers scale using the Track Your Weight iOS app.

I quickly grew tired of having to video the scale display as the numbers passed by too quickly and then input them into the app, so I moved to the Fitbit Aria wifi scale.

Making the switch to a new scale meant a whole new set of numbers, and the two scales didn’t always line up.  I kept tracking using both methods, recording some days with both, but every day with the Fitbit.  The Aria was so easy to use and the website/app integration was fantastic.

Fitbit Aria scale data via the Fitbit website

My starting readings from the Fitbit Aria wifi scale via the Fitbit website. I take daily readings of my weight and body fat with this scale unless I’m traveling.

Today there was this on the Fitbit.

The Fitbit Aria

Today’s weigh-in with the Fitbit Aria scale via the Fitbit iOS app.

The Weight Watchers scale is usually different.

Weight Watchers scale reading via Track Your Weight iOS app.

Weight Watchers scale reading via Track Your Weight iOS app.

I’ve scraped by on my first goal. 

It took a little longer than I’d wanted, but it was satisfying nonetheless.

Results from WW scale

The Weight Watchers scale I’ve had since February.

In all that time I haven’t lifted a single weight or done a lick of cardio.

I’ll probably go back up after my cheat day on Sunday… but who cares. I’ve set a new goal of 180lbs.  Which my 5 foot 11 inch body hasn’t seen since probably middle school.

Now it’s time for these bad boys, where the fat loss should really pick up.


My 35lbs ‘starter’ and 53lbs ‘I’ll get there’ kettlebell.



2 thoughts on “I don’t mean to brag, but…

  1. Lisa Johnson

    Congratulations! Happy to be a tiny, tiny part of it, so glad that you’ve been successful! 🙂 Definitely a great time to pat yourself on the back, you did a great job. Be smart on the kettlebells, Ferriss explains it well but there are some bad YouTube videos out there! The RKC stuff tends to be the best. 🙂

  2. Ben Maxwell Post author

    You were more than a tiny, tiny part of it, my dear. If not for the Universe putting me in Boston last October and trying to hook up with Greg, and me having the morbid “I’m sick of this” feeling, and then leading me to the postings on your blog, none of this would have been possible and my life would be much more complex.

    I’m going to try and get a trainer friend of mine to check out my swings and make sure I’m on target. The last thing I want to do it screw up my back.

    Thanks again, Lisa. Love you, love your show.

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