Today was a great day.
Despite a couple of early hiccups (including one on the Cheat Day maintenance front), Jenn & I had a lovely day exploring and eating thru Itaewon and Gangnam. Okay, I did most of the eating, but we had a lovely time.
We kicked it off on the 5500 as usual and checked another ‘brunch’ place off our list in Suji’s Restaurant & Bar in Itaewon.
Jenn had the highly recommended Jack & Jill and I had the Lumberjack (food porn here). The atmosphere was cozy and we had lovely seats at the facing-out bar overlooking the intersection below. As we got sorted out to leave, the canned dining soundtrack (which included Nina Simone and Frank Sinatra) played our wedding song by Etta James. Yeah, it’s a cliche but bugger off; it was a not-so-subtle reminder and a good omen for the day to come.
The Hamilton Hotel is just to the right of the shopping center. This is the unofficial heart of Itaewon
Suji’s Restaurant & Bar
Striking a pose outside Suji’s
Cinnamon Rolls at Suji’s
We walked down the street when Jenn noticed that there was a humane society type yard sale happening on the opposite side of the street. She’s got this sense about those kind of things.

Jenn spies a yard sale to benefit a humane society
A quick stop at the previously mentioned High Street Market for a couple of items and about 10 minutes after that yielded the photos presented below. Make of it what you wish.
Jenn trying to decide on a roadie – I suggest a cider
I try to decide on a roadie. Jenn offers no help.
After a subway ride to Gangnam, going through the crowd at the underground shopping mall (mobbed, btw), exiting at Gate (Station exit) 11, and on our way to an ‘art installation’ which I’ll get to in a moment, we had the second of two very strange animal encounters in three days.
Flashback to Friday night.
We’re walking from Paragon Apartments in Jeongja to a bar with a bunch of teachers from the school when I spy a fluffy white dog being walked by two guys down the street ahead of me. I increase my pace and stop and say, “Excuse me… Samoyed?” And they reply, “Yes.”

Angel, our Samoyed.
Jenn and I had a Samoyed named Angel for about 14 years. We got her when she was a puppy and we took her to Cayman where she eventually passed away. We missed her terribly and finally had the courage to get another dog three years ago. Jenn sees me and the male Sammy (named Beckham) and runs over to say hi. When I say that looking into this animals eyes was like looking into the past I realize that it sounds weird, but I swear it was true.
Back to today.
On our way to pay homage to Psy, I see another Samoyed. This one is female and is being walked by a Korean woman. I am floored. I ask her, “Samoyed?” he English isn’t as good and we don’t have as long an interaction, but she says, “Yes.” I bend down and the dog looks at me with those deep, dark eyes and that Sammy smile and I’m in shock. Jenn walks up and I start to show the girl the picture of Angel and just then the dog jumps up on her hind legs onto Jenn just like Angel used to.
It’s gotta mean something, right? Crazy that I didn’t even think to snap photos in either situation.
We finally got the photo Jenn was hankering for…

Photo oppum in Psy’s dong.
Right after that, as we were perusing where to go next, a Korean guy with perfect English asks if we’re lost and are looking for something specific. We reply not really, we were just looking to get a feel for the neighborhood (aka ‘dong’), but thanks so much. Twenty minutes later, we’re talking about synchronicity to Nick in an Angel-In-Us Coffee shop off the main drag in Gangnam. Nick’s an American-Korean (born in America, of Korean heritage), schooled in Vancouver, and on a sabbatical. A chance encounter halfway around the world that makes you believe in fate and the fact that everyone is more alike than different. Nick’s a good kid. I think before he heads back to the west coast of North America, we’ll be seeing him again. I’ll be taking some of his suggestions on where to go and what to do, but Jenn will probably skip the one about eating live octopus.
We said goodbye to Nick, and as Jenn shopped in a nearby Body Shop, I made a quick stop in a Butterfinger Pancakes (which happened to be around the corner) for a second Butterfinger Blast in as many weeks. (#DuhWinning!)
A maker and his creation: The Butterfinger Blast
Butterfinger Blast-ed off!
For the record, this guy is right: These are the best milkshakes I’ve ever had, and baby, I’ve had a few.
Finally, after a stop for a NY Chocolate Cheesecake and a double chocolate somethingorother (along with an original for later for Jenn) in a Krispy Kreme, it was time to head back home.
But not before one more treat for the road…

Seriously, New York Fries? This mozzarella/gravy concoction should be called “Faux-tine”
And that’s it. Lovely Sunday. So long Cheat Day and thanks for all the indigestion!

Psying in the Gangnam subway station…